In most of the actions the FIE regulations apply to the competitions
for visually impaired.
Arrangements of the regulations
For the key to be granted:
The supports
- The shooters must have one or two supports on the axis of movement
- The shooters can have a support on either side of the axis
- As soon as a fencer has two supports on the same side of the axis of the track, the assault will be stopped and the fencer at fault will correct his position without penalty.
Iron contact
- Before launching an attack the shooter must imperatively have contact with the opposing blade or the shell.
This contact can be made separately or it can be simultaneous blade and shell.
- Between the obligatory contact and the signaling of the button by the electrical device it does not have a determined time.
- After a first attack if there is no hit signaled the shooter has the right to two discounts without new iron contact with the weapon of the opponent.
- For the safety of the shooters the forward pass and the arrow are prohibited.
- positions and actions dangerous for the shooters remain at the discretion of the referee.
- The track has been equipped with a central band allowing movement in the shooters' axis. This band positioned above or below depending on the material of the track.
- Removable poles can be positioned at the level of the warning lines to facilitate the repositioning of the athletes.
Play time
- In the pools, the matches are fired in 5 touches 3 minutes.
- The caoch of each shooter recognized at the start of the assault, and only him, has the right to request a time out.
-This time-out is 15 seconds, it must be requested during a match stoppage in the referent.
-This time out also benefits the opponent.
- In the table phase, the matches are played in 2 times 3 minutes 1 minute break and 10 touches.
-In the table, the caoch has the right to 1 time out of 15 seconds per period.